Are you happy? Are you making any progress?

Let me ask you a question, are you happy with learning Swahili via grammar, memorizing and picking things without knowing where you are going? Are you satisfied with learning and forgetting things suddenly or learning Swahili for one year but still feeling like a beginner, with no progress at all?

Have you ever thought to yourself that you are wasting time with no progress each day, month, and year?

Maybe you’ve asked yourself…. “why can’t I learn how to use the noun class easily like natives? Why is it so hard for me but easy for them? Why can’t I just remember the Swahili rules easily just like them? Why can’t I speak as easily as the natives do?”


Connie here. I was born in Mombasa and raised in Nairobi, Kenya since 8 years old. A pure native Swahili Speaker from Kenya.

I am an Author, a self-coach and a YouTube instructor who has helped countless people on their Swahili learning journey via books, private sessions, and videos on YouTube. I am a full-time receptionist and I strategically acquire languages just as natives after discovering the secret to permanent and easy language aquisition.

I Speak Swahili, English, Filipino, Spanish and Italian. You can acquire Swahili too just as I have done with Filipino, Spanish and Italian. Join me!

Ok, so listen, maybe you are sitting at your computer or on your phone…. And you are reading this today for a reason, something in your life isn’t perfect and you want more, you’ve heard the easy method of language learning and you know that it is possible to turn your dreams into reality; acquire the rules of Swahili the way natives did, learn even though you are busy and be who you always wanted to be.

So let me ask you…. Does that sound like something you’d want to start acting on? Because right now, you have the choice to grab the roadmap that shows you exactly how.

Today I’m excited to introduce you to my Brand-new online course called Busy Bee Swahili. It’s a step-by-step blueprint that shows you exactly what you need to do to eliminate self-doubt, unlock your potential… and live your life the way you always believed you could. Acquiring Swahili even when you are busy.

What if...?

What if I told you there’s ONE thing that can help you to change your current situation? Imagine this… What if you were able to suddenly turn your dreams into reality? What if you suddenly acquire how natives easily use the noun class? What If you were able to learn Swahili even though you are busy? Get from a beginner to the next level in 2 months instead of a year. What if you suddenly understand Swahili?

Here is what you are getting,

  • A lesson guide like a timetable to guide you through each lesson, know what to do next. The guide will help you always have all the key content in one place.
  • Conversation lesson well known as "mazungumzo" in Swahili. You will get this in both written and audio form at the end of each lesson to review and remind yourself of the things you've acquired in the lesson. Meaning, the mazungumzo contains word and vocabulary from the whoe lesson. It's on interesting topics. You won’t be bored!
  • Vocabulary lesson based on the most important vocabulary from the conversation and lesson so that you don’t waste time studying unimportant words.
  • Phrasal verb lesson you will get the most important and commonly used phrasal verbs by Swahili natives. They will also be used in a conversation so that you can fluently use them by yourself in daily conversation.
  • Pronunciation lesson based on important sounds from the conversation lesson so that you can speak naturally and clearly. The stories are tailored as per the level. The length and the words used depend on the level.
  • Story: a fun, memorable (sometimes crazy) story that includes all of the vocabulary, phrasal verbs, and pronunciation from the module so that you can easily remember what you have learned. The story is both in pdf and audio form for you to listen to it wherever and whenever you want.
  • Community of motivated Swahili learners: access to our private Discord group for course members so that you can meet friends from around the world and practice speaking with them.
  • Weekly live lessons in the Discord group (3 times a month) so that you can stay motivated and I can answer your questions directly.
Beginner - 99$
  • 12 beginner grammar lessons
  • 12 downloadable PDFs for the grammar lessons
  • Vocabulary acquisition
  • 12 real-time conversations
  • 12 downloadable pdf & audio for the real-time conversations
  • One 50-paged beginner story
  • Certificate of Completion
  • lifetime access
Upper Beginner - 99$
  • 12 Upper Beginner grammar lessons
  • 12 downloadable PDFs for the grammar lessons
  • Vocabulary acquisition
  • 12 real-time conversations
  • 12 downloadable pdf & audio for the real-time conversations
  • One 50-paged Upper beginner story
  • Certificate of Completion
  • lifetime access
Lower Intermediate - 99$
  • 12 Lower Intermediate grammar lessons
  • 12 downloadable PDFs for the grammar lessons
  • Vocabulary acquisition
  • 12 real-time conversations
  • 12 downloadable pdf & audio for the real-time conversations
  • One 50-paged Lower Intermediate story
  • Certificate of Completion
  • lifetime access
Upper Intermediate - 129$
  • 12 Upper Intermediate grammar lessons
  • 12 downloadable PDFs for the grammar lessons
  • Vocabulary acquisition
  • 12 paragraphs of a short story of each lesson.
  • 12 downloadable pdf & audio for the short above
  • One 50-paged Upper Intermediate story
  • Certificate of Completion
  • lifetime access
Swahili Smart (Advanced) 129$
  • 12 Advanced grammar lessons
  • 12 downloadable PDFs for the grammar lessons
  • Vocabulary acquisition
  • 12 real-time conversations
  • 12 downloadable pdf & audio for the real-time conversations
  • One 50-paged Advanced story
  • Certificate of Completion
  • lifetime access
Swahili Refresher - 129$
  • 12 Swahili Refresher grammar lessons
  • 12 downloadable PDFs for the grammar lessons
  • Vocabulary acquisition
  • 12 real-time conversations
  • 12 downloadable pdf & audio for the real-time conversations
  • One 50-paged Swahili Refresher story
  • Certificate of Completion
  • lifetime access
Phrasal Verbs Smart - 129$
  • 12 Phrasal Verbs Smart grammar lessons
  • 50 + frequently used Phrasal Verbs
  • 12 downloadable PDFs with the 50+ frequently used Phrasal Verbs
  • Vocabulary acquisition
  • 12 real-time conversations
  • 12 downloadable pdf & audio for the real-time conversations
  • One 50-paged Phrasal Verbs Smart story
  • Certificate of Completion
  • lifetime access

Beginner - Intermediate Bundle 129$

Enjoy the Special gift! Get three courses in one bundle!

It has a two payment plan. 129$ each month for two months.

Course Note!

  1. Each Course has it's own book except for Beginners level. They share one book for you not to feel confused as you continue advancing.
  2. Each Course has it's own Conversations. No repetitions.
  3. Are you wondering which level you are? Send me an email at [email protected] and I will help you find out.

Asante Sana!

Frequently Asked Questions

What exactly will you teach me?

You will learn and acquire Swahili vocabulary, phrasal verbs, and pronunciation that real native Swahili speakers use, and you can join other course members on Discord every Sunday at 6 p.m. East African time to speak confidently together.

When will I start the lessons?

This Course is given in a drip-feeding Format. Which means, you will be receiving your lesson in stages and have life-time access after you complete a lesson.

Which level is this course for?

This course is for any Swahili learner depending on their level as stipulated above. If you are unsure of your level, just email me at [email protected] and I will guide you to know your perfect level.

How long should I study each day?

I recommend studying for about 15-30 minutes per day. Because this is a self-study course, you can study at any time.

How much is this course?

The Busy Bee Swahili for each level is a one-time payment. You get lifetime access to the course material.

What's the difference between the two Coachings?

The first Coaching (99$) is based on the questions you have after you've done a course. The second coaching (149$) is based on real-life stuff. What you do everyday.

The Busy Bee Swahili Course is NOT for you if…

  1. You don’t want to study at home during your free time.
  2. You are not ready to pay and make an investment in your Swahili studies.
  3. You are looking for a magical pill that makes you fluent in Swahili overnight (by the way, those pills don’t exist).

Are you still in?

Audio book - 15$

Benefit of e-books: One benefit of reading in learning a language is that it helps to expand vocabulary. Through reading, learners are exposed to a wide range of words and phrases, which can enhance their language proficiency and understanding of the language.

Check out more 50-paged e-books with a specific story (from Beginer - Advanced) that will help you to grasp more swahili vocabulary, natural language, tenses and even the swahili noun classes. There are a lot of book you can get here for as low as 10$ each

Audio books - 15$

benefit of Audiobooks: You will benefit from listening to native speakers, building up your vocabulary or enhancing your language comprehension

Check out more 50-paged e-books with a specific story (from Beginer - Advanced) that will help you to grasp more swahili vocabulary, natural language, tenses and even the swahili noun classes. There are a lot of book you can get here for as low as 15$ each

Audio Book -15$

Benefit of e-books: One benefit of reading in learning a language is that it helps to expand vocabulary. Through reading, learners are exposed to a wide range of words and phrases, which can enhance their language proficiency and understanding of the language.

Check out more 50-paged e-books with a specific story (from Beginer - Advanced) that will help you to grasp more swahili vocabulary, natural language, tenses and even the swahili noun classes. There are a lot of book you can get here for as low as 10$ each

Audio book - 15$

Audio book - 15$